Monday, September 27, 2010

Braces oh braces.


Today, I went to dental clinic. In the 3 o'clock I arrived at a medical clinic in Taiping. 
The Dentist check my teeth again. Dental experts say 'you are only the front teeth only other gear you that kind of' 'Spongebob' 'that's all."Haha. And he said again, I will put your dental braces that can be opened. The dentist may want to look at first is not, if I'm not spokesman, doctors continue to do braces. My appointment with the dentist on again 8 November OMG soon lah! Hate's right! Hmm. But never mind, I will wait for whatsoever happened. hehe. Dentist is a Malay and a woman. very good. Oh. thanks god!  Takot  der! Many also rates wear braces. I see.

Braces Story. <3

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